I love zagging when everyone else is zigging


I used to be ashamed of doing things different from everyone else. Now it gives me pleasure.

I learned this about myself and can now just tap into it. I literally get a perverse pleasure when I do things that are completely contrary to everyone else.

All I know is I don’t want to follow the rules, so I’m not going to.

I give the best I’ve got to my blog. I enjoy sharing my wisdom with those that appreciate it. I don’t do it to build a huge list and track followers. As of this writing there are 77 people I’m writing to. This gives me pleasure to work with such a small group of people. The people on my list are all remarkable and it’s my honor to serve them.

Sometimes I feel like “the sage on the mountain” and I’m quite content with waiting patiently to see who shows up.

It also benefits me to get my thoughts out into a cohesive message. I’m building a body of work.

I’m not a marketer trying to sell products or programs, which means I don’t try to build my list and maximize traffic. I also value my free time, and make it paramount to everything. When I choose to do that, that means I trade it for the usual trappings most people chase.

It DOES mean I have to find alternate ways to do things. That means I have to be “old school” and stay in contact the old fashioned way – by intentionally contacting someone if I have something to say.

Those people are often touched that I thought about them to say what I did, because normally people just paste to their wall and that’s it. I have to be intentional and that’s appreciated and valued.

It means when I do something I show up extremely powerfully. I have to leverage that experience, make maximum contact and attract the people who are attracted to me. I’m not playing a numbers game. There is no funnel here. This is about human connection and making an impact.

And for those that are attracted to me and my messaging – I will serve you powerfully and not hold back.

Where do I go from here? No idea. And I love not knowing.


  • Your future plans involving serving others reminded me of travel. If by chance you find yourself traveling to the Bahamas, Florida or Atlanta. Please let me know and I’ll share a curated map of my suggested spots.
    1. Atlanta History Tour and visit to an amazing Farmers Market
    2. The Exuma Cay Land and Sea Park including Thunderball Grotto
    3. Florida’s Space Coast and watch a rocket launch.
    Keep on serving!

By Chris Frolic

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