You’ll never have it all figured out and that’s OK


You’re feeling frustrated. I can understand. It seems like you’re marching around in the dark trying to figure out which way to go. Every time you think you’ve made some progress you’re back to the same old habit of trying to figure out what’s next.

Sometimes it feels like two steps forward, and two steps back. But is that really true?

Take a look at where you’ve been, what you’ve done. Celebrate that.

The things you think you “should” be doing… maybe they’re not that important to you. If they were, you’d have done them. Just like your track record of everything you did do. You did the impossible at times. You are capable of it when it’s that important to you.

I’m here to remind you that no one has it all figured out. Like, literally no one. Everyone struggles in their own way. The ones who are pretending to have it all figured out are frauds. I’m serious. The most generous way to look at what they say is that it’s based on lies of omission. It gets worse from there.

Here’s the good news:

You’ve gotten this far. You are a survivor. Every step of your journey has been a hard fought battle. That is worth celebrating. You’ve earned it.

Your journey is just as valuable as anyone else’s – when you choose to share it. Share what’s really going on with you, that is your gift to the world. Not the carefully curated perfect version.

You want to help people? Be real. Because that is what will speak to your people and help them. Show them they aren’t alone. Show them that you’re walking the same path.

Sometimes things go well, and sometimes things go less than well.

Be a model of what’s possible. Be a beacon of hope. And do it from a real place. You’ll feel better about yourself when you do and counterintuitively you will help more people.

And when you’re back to feeling frustrated again? Be kind to yourself. Remind yourself you’ve been here before, and then you did some incredible things. It’s OK. Be patient.

Instead of creating a “To do” list, create a “Done” list. Add something to it every day, and watch it grow. Feel good about that. Don’t beat yourself up for the things you didn’t do.

And when inspiration strikes, take advantage of that moment, just as you have before. You are capable of it, because you’ve done it many times before. Trust you can and will again.

I believe in you.


P.S.: This letter was written to myself in response to the question, “What do I need to hear most right now?” By sharing it, I’m taking my own advice and sharing it with everyone who might benefit from it. What did it evoke in you?

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By Chris Frolic

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