What childhood magic can you tap into?


My Uncle Ugor just passed away. I’m actually attending his funeral as I write this. He spent a week in palliative care before he passed, and during that time my cousin’s asked for anyone that had stories to share to share them now while he could still hear them.

I sent this. I was told he he got to hear it and was deeply moved. For that I am grateful.

To Uncle Ugor from Christopher,

The only vacations I can remember having as a kid growing up was visiting your cottage. It was a place of wonder. From early morning fishing trips, waking up in the dark, to catching frogs to use as bait. A particular memory I have was the magic that happened at dusk. As a child, hearing and seeing the fire start to light up the dimming light, the crackle and pops shooting sparks into the air and that campfire smell that would soak into our hair and clothing. And then something even more magical happened – little blinking lights would begin to appear in the surrounding bush. Fireflies. It fills me with awe and wonder remembering what it was like to be a child, armed with a mason jar, and catching these little magical creatures. I’d try to fill a jar with so many, I’d try to read MAD Magazine in the dark, lit only by firefly light. This memory is so impactful to me, I have an LED firefly jar that sits on my desk and I tell these stories today, as an adult, to audiences around the world, to share that awe and wonder. Stories from my childhood, at this magical place. I love you. – Chris

It makes me feel good that Uncle Ugor’s legacy lives on in this way.

The world seems magical to us when we are young, that anything is possible, and awe and wonder are experienced regularly. But there’s no reason to not remind ourselves of that awe and wonder. We can still have it, if we let ourselves.

Thank you, Uncle Ugor, for this gift of a memory. I’ll do my part to spread this awe and wonder.

What childhood magic do you remember? Who benefits when you tap into it?

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