This is how you eat an elephant


I started writing one article a week 6 years ago. I had no idea or intention, other than I hoped to share my hard-earned wisdom with others. There are really cool services out there that will take the content of your blog or social media and turn it into a hardbound book in a single step.

I now have 2 volumes, each holding 3 years of my life. I can’t say what it feels like to see my writing in physical form. To be able to hold 2 very large volumes in my hands. And also knowing these books can be added to family heirlooms and passed on, no matter what happens to my digital life. My legacy will live on.

The last time I had a volume of these made it showed me that I had done a lot of work around imposter syndrome and motivated me to create a book for sale on the topic. I’m asking myself now what new books lay within these pages?

One article a week, week after week, and this is the result. I couldn’t be more proud.

The first step of answering “What’s Next?” is to answer “Where have you been?”

So… where have YOU been, and who needs to hear it?

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By Chris Frolic

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