My Self-Portrait as a Poem


I was recently involved in an exercise to introduce myself to a room of people by allowing myself to be seen in a vulnerable way and crafting a poem about who I am. I’m sharing this here, now, with you.

I am Chris Frolic.

I am audacious and goofy.

I wonder how deep can I go within myself?

I hear the theme song from Super Mario Bros.

I see my wife’s face lying in bed looking at me.

I want to tell my story on the biggest of stages.

I fear complacency.

I create awe in myself and others.

I am Chris Frolic.

I pretend I can have the impact I want to make in the world.

I understand I love myself.

I say I’m ok with ceasing to exist when my body is done.

I dream of a Star Trek future for humanity. Of peace & harmony.

I try to help others in small ways every day.

I hope I can see the impact I’ve made.

I wish that my kids will be happy.

I bless that others will learn to communicate in healthy ways.

I love seeing people step into their courage.

I am Chris Frolic.

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By Chris Frolic

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