My greatest accomplishment


I was recently asked what my greatest accomplishment of the last 10 years is. I’ve done some great things over the past 10 years. I launched a multi-million dollar business. I also had the courage to leave it. I completed and published my memoir after it being incomplete for 14 years. I bought a home. Reached financial independence. My life has had huge changes.

However, one accomplishment stood out. It was the writing of a document I titled “Chris’ Statement of Being”.

Through my work over the last few years, I’ve gotten to know myself in a very deep and clear way. This “sense of self” has given me great power. Because I know myself, I am able to share it with others and have them know who I am in a very deep way in a very short amount of time.

As I’ve begun to share this document, it moves both me and my audience powerfully. I gain in power every time I share it, and the audience is always moved to witness it.

Even better, like a chain reaction, once this is seen, it cannot be unseen.

Until today I have only shared this in intimate settings with people. I’m now sharing it with the world. This is not about what I do, this is who I am.

Give yourself a quiet moment and full attention before watching this video. How does it affect you?


  • Hey Chris, I connected with you during RLI in May. Wanted to say thank you. Your video is heartfelt and so very brave. Your mind and heart will serve in powerful ways. Again, thanks for sharing. I’ve always been private, so watching coaches put themselves out there is quite inspiring.

    • Hi Ellie, thanks and welcome to the blog.

      It was difficult at first to shift from a lifetime of being guarded to being open. Now I couldn’t live any other way.

By Chris Frolic

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