How to write impactful blog articles


For the last 6 years I’ve committed myself to writing one article a week, which has generated 323 articles so far. That makes me an expert.

When creating blog content, it’s important to get clear on 3 elements.

Here are my own answers to these:

What do I want?

  • Clarifying my own thoughts into digestible form
  • Creating a legacy of content and articles
  • Create a story of how I’ve been spending my time (the proof)
  • Pride of what I’ve created
  • A way to express myself that’s simple and easy
  • A committed practice, that motivates me to continue because there is an audience
  • I want my audience to feel connection with me

What I want FOR the reader?

  • Make their life a little bit better by sharing something that works for me
  • Often you can’t literally do the thing I did, but perhaps it can inspire you in your own way
  • Take a small action in response. Sometimes that’s simply from mulling over a question I conclude the article with.
  • Feel a little less alone as I share my own story and struggles.

What I want FROM the reader?

  • If I’m promoting a Zoom appearance, I want action from them to attend
  • I want you to open and read my articles and stay engaged
  • Not that I’ve been selling, but if I was, it would appear here

Having just written that out, I can tell that I generally don’t want or ask for much from my readers and the byproduct from that is that my reach remains small. I’ve been content with the things I want, which is the articles themselves.

Today’s article, like most of mine, comes from me asking “What do I need to hear most right now?” and I literally created a lesson exposing that I could stand to benefit from letting myself want more from my audience. When it is done with alignment, I’m not an icky salesperson.

I also struggled this week in coming up with an article idea. However, because I was committed that something had to get created, something was created. That is the system working.

So let me check in right now in real time, with today’s article:

What did I want? To keep my commitment of a weekly article, to add to my legacy and show the proof of what I’ve been doing.

What did I want for you? To take a little nugget that might affect your own work and impact in the world.

What did I want from you? I’d love to hear how this article, or anything I write, has affected you.

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