The Frolic 100 is my private email list capped at exactly 100 people. Each week, I write about what I’m discovering about success and living life on your own terms. I question everything, turn weaknesses into strengths, create what doesn’t exist, and explore “What’s Next?” No marketing bullshit, no growth hacks – just raw insights from someone who’s spent 30 years turning impossible ideas into reality.
When someone stops reading, a spot opens up for someone new. That’s by design – I’d rather have 100 people who can’t wait to read what I write than 10,000 who don’t.
Want in?
THE ONLY WAY IN: The Frolic 100 is free, but only to those who DARE to request to be a part of it.
Use the form below. If I’m at capacity, I’ll let you know when a spot opens up.
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