CategoryWhat’s Next

When “more” isn’t the answer to “What do you want?”


For so many people, whether or not they will voice this, when asked “What do you want?” the (secret) answer is: “More”. More money, more “stuff”, more house, more vacation, more whatever. The thing is, when you get “more”, the answer still remains “more”. I can remember 10 years ago figuring out my monthly budget. If I could generate...

When the dog catches the bone


There’s a scene in the 1993 Tom Cruise movie The Firm that I think about often. The lead character named Mitch, played by Tom Cruise, is having a meeting with an FBI agent at a dog race track. We see the Greyhound dogs whipping around the track chasing a mechanical bone. Mitch: Doesn`t the dog ever get the bone? FBI Agent: Yeah. When it happens they can never get that dog to run again. For...

Times I’ve Asked Myself “What’s Next?”


Upon reflecting my story so far, and the distinct chapters I’ve lived, I begin to see a clear pattern. The things I’ve done all have had exciting periods of explosive growth. Of creation. Then things plateau, which is not terrible either. Often that’s the period of seeing some return on the sacrifice I made during the growth period. Eventually, however, the plateau turns into...

The Mexican Fisherman


Below is a story that’s been around since the 1960s, and has been adapted many times. I first read it in Timothy Ferris’ 4 Hour Workweek book. I like the story quite a bit and think of it often and how it can relate to my life. For the last 20 years or so I’ve worked from home on my various businesses. I’ve resisted changing things up too much. Choosing to live the life I...

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