What happens when you bring together a high school dropout, a world-famous DJ, a former comedy stage hypnotist, a millionaire tech co-founder, and a master of the most powerful mindset tools on the planet, and let them loose at the world’s largest climate conference? All those people are one and the same person – Chris Frolic, living proof that there’s always an alternative path to take. Chris...
Create a game you win the moment you decide to play it

Imagine if you could create a game that guarantees a win – empowering and emboldening, right? Here is the criteria: It needs to be scary. Something you’ve never done before. The game ends while still under your control. Once a decision is in someone else’s hands, the game has completed. Let me demonstrate; I have created a game that I win by playing for my visit to COP28: I will...
You Can’t Fail When You Take on the Impossible
Because an impossible goal is exactly that, impossible, you can’t lose. It’s liberating in a counter-intuitive way. Conventional goals have their place, and I’ve used them plenty in my life. Most of us come up with conventional goals, and feel tremendous pressure to complete them, or feel bad when we don’t. Or if we come up short, we still accomplished more in that failure...
What Will Become Possible By Unlocking Your Own Impossible Goal?
Imagine the shifts to your impact, income, and life by declaring a truly impossible goal! On Monday September 25, 2023 I’m going to host a Zoom to help YOU unlock YOUR IMPOSSIBLE GOAL. This is exclusively for Frolic 100 members. I’m going to teach the 5 necessary parts of every impossible goal. I’ll work with some people live on the call to help unlock and up-level (and make it truly impossible!)...
Creating the book that inspires me
I’ve had an idea for this book with me for some time. For years now I’ve been bookmarking and collecting stories of entrepreneurs who are innovating on climate change and creating a difference in the world today. I am SICK TO DEATH of the overwhelm. I HATE that children, including my own, are so inundated with apocalyptic messaging, they’ve absorbed that it’s inevitable. I...