I woke up, around 2am, and felt difficulty breathing. I could feel a tightness in my chest. I took in a deep breath – good, I still could, and let it out. For some reason, I was having an anxiety attack in the middle of the night. It woke me up. Years ago I used to think these symptoms were a heart attack. Because it never was, I learned it wasn’t, and no matter how bad I felt, it would pass. I...
The letter I wish I received seven years ago
Do you have an insidious voice that lives rent free in your head always telling you nothing you do is enough, nothing you have is enough, and you’re never enough? I do. Today I decided to write to an earlier version of me, from seven years ago. A letter I have all the authority in the world to write, because I know the truth, having lived it. The letter is below: Dear 2018 Chris from 2025...
This one word will do more for creating space and freedom in your life than all of the AI tools in the world
I find almost everyone using AI is playing the wrong game with it. They’re trying to figure out how to have AI let them do “more”. More productivity, more revenue, more output, more, more, more. This is the same trap humanity has been caught in for decades, if not centuries. AI is just the latest tech tool that is facilitating “more”. For most people, if they were...
Finding Joy in the Chaos (Is That Even Allowed?)
As I write this I’m suffering from my second covid infection in less than two months. It was just over 6 weeks ago I wrote that life can be random and unfair sometimes. My wife wasn’t even fully recovered from the previous one and is also infected again. This just sucks. In this moment though I’m grateful for a spontaneous lunch I took with my wife exactly a week ago. I was...
The Freedom Trap Nobody Talks About
First, an admission of failure. “The Big Drive 2025” for me is a complete bust. Making money for the sake of making money simply isn’t motivating me. There was value for me in analyzing my past processes, and writing them up in a series of articles for others, but returning to that specific playbook is not working. Because I’m not the same person. There’s an old quote that I feel is relevant in...
The About Page That Took 7 Years to Write
You know what’s wild? I’ve written 344 articles on this website, but the hardest thing to write has always been my About page. Seven years ago, I was a wounded man entering middle age who felt like the world’s biggest fake. My website sat there with a blank About page – a digital monument to my shame. I couldn’t tell you who I was because I didn’t know. For...
Failing at Failure
If I’m truly honest and open, I have an admission to make: I’m sitting here at my desk, trying to write about failure, and realizing I’m failing at failing. Not the kind of failure I promised when I declared this my Year of Failure. More like the embarrassing kind where I’m staring at my screen thinking “what the hell am I doing?” Last night I couldn’t sleep...
Life can be random and unfair
It wasn’t exactly the best Christmas for me this week. My oldest kid tested positive for covid on Christmas eve, and my wife tested positive on Christmas morning. The last time my wife had covid, they got so sick with erratic heart beats we had to call an ambulance and have them taken to the hospital. My wife left the hospital in a wheelchair and had to use it for several months. A...
Embracing My Weird – The LinkedIn Redemption
Once upon a time I had a LinkedIn profile. It wasn’t great. I was ashamed of myself and my story when I had created it. I downplayed all of my accomplishments, in a weak attempt at trying to appear more “corporate”. My imposter syndrome at the time also had its hands around me like a choke hold, and I didn’t even list my webinar company, StealthSeminar, by name. I listed myself as some sort of...
Give space for the “Yes” to show up.
I never know when or how my next story will show up. This past Monday I was driving my sixteen-year-old to school. It was an unusually bright and sunny warm October morning. My son sat quietly, looking out the window. Later that same day I was planning to return to one of my old activities, playing with the Toronto Pinball League. I haven’t played regularly since before COVID and I’ve...
My business just sold to a $100 million private equity fund and I still found myself feeling like a fake
The webinar business I co-founded over 14 years ago just completed due diligence and closed its sale to a $100 million private equity fund that specializes in SaaS (Software as a Service), and now that particular part of my life is done. Even though I exited an active role with the company several years ago, I still retained 50% ownership and monthly dividends from that. It feels good to have...
I’m no longer “Banned in the USA”
During the peak of my DJ career, back in the year 2000, I was banned from entering the US after being caught entering to work as a DJ without having the required paperwork (Longtime followers of mine are very familiar with this story, and I wrote about it extensively in my memoir). I spent many years regretting my actions that led to that. This ultimately led to my eventual retirement from DJing...
Lessons from the Underground
(The following is an excerpt from my memoir, Requiem for My Rave. I’ve been asking myself lately what lessons I can share from this time in my life with audiences today.) It was March 2000. Robin, my girlfriend at the time and I were in the middle of making dinner. It was a night no different than any other. Robin was cutting some tomatoes, and I was working the stove with tilapia. It sizzled in...
This roller coaster ride was literally 12 years in the making
Can a single day at an amusement park redefine years of anxiety and personal growth? Let me tell you how it did for me. After a lifetime of precarious financial living, personal bankruptcy, homelessness, living on the edge, dealing with eviction notices for late rent while juggling my young family, booming and busting multiple times, my financial situation permanently changed in 2012. I had...
What Paradoxes are You Living With?
A paradox is generally defined as something (person, situation, action) having seemingly contradictory qualities or phases. I’ve come to the conclusion lately that my life is full of paradoxes, and they leave me in a state of feeling like I’m supposed to be doing something about them. However, what if by their nature of being a paradox, there wasn’t actually anything to fix or change? Because...
Quality Problems are Real Problems
I’m not sure where I picked up the phrase “quality problem”, but I’ve been using it recently to describe the doldrums I have found myself in. I’ve written previously about the not-so-helpful habit of comparing my “quality” problems to other people’s “real” problems. Like some prior advice to myself, I’m going to “stop...
How to Celebrate Your Success and Vanquish Guilt
Here’s a powerful tool that I’ve created to help myself deal with some of my feelings lately around success and guilt. The point of it is to bring clarity in, and get out of the amorphous haze of letting the emotions run roughshod over you when they’re simply not even true and certainly not deserved. This has been modeled on previous tools I’ve created, except this time focused on the particular...
The Gentle Art of Sitting with Confusion
The best word I can describe my state of mind lately is “confusion”. It’s something I’ve felt before, and makes answering questions like “What’s next?” or even “What do you want?” very difficult. Nothing comes up. I’ve decided to be kinder to myself and stop asking, at least for a while. Confusion is different from “I don’t know”. “I don’t know” can be played with, and creatively explored. “I...
Motivational Lessons from The Sopranos
I’m a big fan of The Sopranos TV series. I’ve watched it more times than I can remember. It’s such a superbly crafted and written show that every viewing gives me new insights into myself. I’m a different person, so how I experience it changes, every time. A quote from that show has been with me the last week or so: “You’re only as good as your last envelope.” The direct meaning of that is...
The First Rule of Self-Mastery
For reasons I cannot explain clearly, my momentum on my book has stalled. I went from being excited and inspired, to days and weeks passing with no progress. Once I hosted my recent Zoom on my creation process (with the actual evidence held in my hands of my past books), something about the whole project evaporated for me. It’s clear to me a large contributing factor is that I’ve already...
The self-doubt hangover
Last week inspiration struck: I would create my next book and have it completed and for sale in 90 days. I had a few inspired days of clarity, and I announced my plans to my community. I got some work done, and then… the self-doubt started to creep in. I started to regret that I had announced it. What was I thinking? This is completely self-inflicted. However, that was exactly WHY I did it...
The problem with trying to change the world
Recently, I watched an HBO documentary series called “The Anarchists” about an anarchist collective in Acapulco, Mexico. They thought they had the answers for all the world’s problems, as they saw them. My biggest take away came later in the series when one of the founders realized they were all a bunch of broken people trying to change the world and that they needed to heal themselves first. It...
You’ll never have it all figured out and that’s OK
You’re feeling frustrated. I can understand. It seems like you’re marching around in the dark trying to figure out which way to go. Every time you think you’ve made some progress you’re back to the same old habit of trying to figure out what’s next. Sometimes it feels like two steps forward, and two steps back. But is that really true? Take a look at where you’ve been, what you’ve done...
The Paradox of Too Much Freedom
“Freedom” is a huge value of mine. For my entire life I’ve lived a life of freedom and possibility. I haven’t had a “job” since I was 20 years old. Since then, I’ve worked for myself, doing what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. Part of what motivated me was that I needed to make a living. I just happened to choose things that I was extremely passionate about. I lived on the edge and forced...
Every person in the world deals with challenges
A little over a month ago Covid showed up in my home for the second time. The first time it showed up (from my oldest bringing it home from school), it wasn’t a big deal. This most recent time (my youngest bringing it home from school) was far more difficult. I was testing positive for almost 2 weeks, and dealing with flu symptoms which laid me out. My wife got it worse, with their symptoms...