
The world is a dumpster fire, but my toast was perfect


World events and news can be difficult to ignore. However, I have a strict rule at our dinner table that we don’t let the latest crazy tweet or story suck up all the oxygen. That means we need other things to talk about. For the last few months, my family and I have been adapting a practice of each of us sharing something we’re grateful for from that day. The smaller the better. When I introduced...

The Failures Have Begun!


I decided to start with an easy failure. Almost two years ago I was talking with a colleague and she suggested I get onto a TEDx stage, and I immediately responded with “No, it has to be TED. THE TED.” That thought lit me up. That was more my style – jump straight to the end. The idea went away until recently when we spoke again, and I found myself feeling the same way. Once I declared that...

2025 – My Year of Failure


My New Years Resolution is that 2025 will be my year of failure. And I’m going to fail BIG. I’m going to take big swings with no net. I’m going to launch things and ideas before I’m ready. I won’t try anything I KNOW will work. I won’t use comfortable and true methods. I will fail publicly. My attempts will be done in full view. Perfect is the enemy of good, so...

I’m no longer “Banned in the USA”


During the peak of my DJ career, back in the year 2000, I was banned from entering the US after being caught entering to work as a DJ without having the required paperwork (Longtime followers of mine are very familiar with this story, and I wrote about it extensively in my memoir). I spent many years regretting my actions that led to that. This ultimately led to my eventual retirement from DJing...

On Your Next Birthday, Give the Gift of Your Story


I just turned 50 years old. A huge milestone. I have a lot to be thankful for, and I am. A birthday tradition I started on my 40th birthday, and I returned to this year, is to tell my story to my children. I plan to update it and read it to them every 10 years. So at our dinner table last night, after dinner, I pulled out my story and read it to my children and wife. I wish my own father had done...

Sometimes one-in-a-million works out


Over 2 years ago my mother suffered a brain aneurysm. She was found confused on the street, brought to the hospital, had emergency surgery, and then was in a coma for over a year. At her advanced age brain elasticity isn’t the same as for a young person and her prognosis wasn’t good. She didn’t recover, was moved out of the neurology ward, and 6 months later was moved to a long...

Latest step in my 2024 book


Earlier this year I announced my 2024 book project, I made some progress, and then… something wasn’t right and I decided to listen to myself and put it aside instead of push myself through it. Four months later I was inspired again, and I realized that’s a big part of it… inspiration. It’s important for my process. It’s also the most common word used when people describe what they receive from me...

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