CategoryFrolic’s Tips

Do today what you did yesterday, get today what you got yesterday


I am not sure where I first heard this quote. It isn’t mine, but I absorbed it from somewhere and I think about it all the time. It’s such a simple thought, and a reminder of how stuck we can get doing the same things every day but somehow expecting that this time it will be different. I use this quote to ground myself. I’ll give an example of how I’ve used it. I’ve...

My Year of Gratitude Check-In


At the start of this year I wrote about a year-long project I was doing, called My Year of Gratitude. Every day I take a moment and add to a list things I’m grateful for. 5 months later, I just crossed item number 300 on my list. This is the 130th day of the year, so that is an average of 2.3 items per day. The list right now, as I scroll through its many pages is already awesome...

Browser Plug-ins I use


I use Firefox as my primary desktop browser. I like it because it isn’t owned by a mega-corporation. It’s independent. Whenever I can support the little guy against the giants, I will. Some of the plug-ins I use with it to keep my time efficient are: Ad-Block Plus – this is a very popular ad blocker. I don’t even see Youtube ads. Leechblock NG – This will restrict...

Be Careful Where You Take Advice From


In the past, every time I’ve taken on a new project or started something new I get lots of advice from people about what I should be doing, what they think about it or what I should be doing instead. Most of the time that advice is well meaning but completely worthless. Why? Because people talk out of their asses about things they don’t know about. That advice can come from family or...

Take Action


As I continue to work on “what’s next?” for me, one of the things I keep coming back to is how I can help others. If you’re reading this, you’re here possibly out of curiosity about me from my DJ past, but also you might be here because of what I’ve been writing about my entrepreneur journey. I use this blog to share things that have worked for me, with the...

You are what you eat


It’s generally accepted that we need to eat healthy foods to keep our bodies in good working order. Are we putting the same effort into what we consume with our minds? It seems we are in an information overload, and I have to ask, to what end? I’m not speaking of educating yourself with specific knowledge you are seeking, but the overwhelming bombardment of breaking news, and the...

The Secret is There is No Secret


Counter to all the messaging online about easy success in whatever it is you are looking at, the reality is it doesn’t exist. Starting a business takes time, years, without exception. Every one I’ve created has taken years. Years of struggle. Years of learning. Years of figuring out what it is you don’t know, filling in those gaps, and building the business brick by brick. One...

Waking Thoughts


Lately, I’ve been taking advantage of creative new thinking I get when first waking up. Upon waking, instead of grabbing my phone to start checking on things, I lie in bed. Usually just staring at the ceiling, and usually thinking about things I’m working on lately. Then it happens… a new idea. From out of the ether, my mind offers up something, a solution to a problem, a new...

Glass of water to start the day


I had come across a life and productivity hack multiple times that suggested to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. The thinking behind it is you’ve just gone through several hours without drinking anything, so your body could use it. I decided to try it, having a cold glass of tap water, instead of the thing I did usually in the morning – a cup of coffee. I found the...

The goal of slowing down your day


I came across the term “Deceleration” recently. This resonated with me, because I think it’s a conversation worth having. It’s a movement to “slow down” and resist the ongoing march we’ve been experiencing the last decade with technology. I live a pretty decelerated life as it stands. I work from home and I’m here in the mornings to see my kids off...

Creating your own metrics for success online


As I work on my own personal journey of success and life satisfaction, more and more I have clarity it really is all about me, and what gives me that feeling of success and satisfaction. That I can’t compare myself with others, and shouldn’t. That I should be in a place of gratitude for what I have, and not keep chasing “more”. I’ve applied this thinking to how I...

The borrower is slave to the lender


I like this proverb quite a bit. I don’t think people realize the situation they are in when they owe money. You have this thing hanging over you and everything you do. A pet elephant that needs to be fed. I have made a decision to live debt free. Not only do I not carry credit card debt (paid off every month), I aggressively paid off my house. All large purchases are saved for in advance...

New Years Review Process


Everyone takes stock this time of year. I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to figure out what is next for me. The biggest change for me is the New Year used to have promise and potential, things I hoped would happen. Now I’m in a place of feeling complete, and actually embracing that and resisting anything else, so I struggle with some of these old exercises. This year I’ve...

A Simple Productivity Tool to Keep You Focused


A lot of people who read this blog work as as “Solopreneurs”. Outside of a regimented work space, and perhaps starting a whole new life as an entrepreneur, it is easy to let things slip. Especially in this modern world of never ending information blasts and notifications. I’ve been learning more to use time as a tool, instead of being an enemy. Instead of seeing it as a deadline to stress...

Why do we value overworking?


I came across an interesting article, Boasting how many hours you work is a sign of failure, and a light bulb went off for me. Of course it is. The opposite should be true! I live the opposite and I realized I have for almost all my adult life. I’ve been spending a lot of time reflecting, and realized I value my schedule above everything. Now I plan for what I want to do around the schedule...

Social media detox


I’ve been watching the ongoing discussion of social media with great interest. It’s been an interesting decade since Facebook took over. I was an online pioneer, but the one place I never transitioned to were the big social media platforms. I resisted at first because I could see how much time people spent on them. This was apparent right away. I made a conscious decision that my time...

The Holiday Hustle


This is a strategy I’ve created and put to use most years as the holidays approach. For a lot of small/home based businesses there is a point around the end of the year (usually starting with American Thanksgiving and ending well into January) when normal business stops operating. People want to take breaks, client prospecting slows down, marketing efforts stop, and the distractions increase like...

Write stuff down before you lose it


I’m an ideas guy. I get inspiration all over the place. I’ve learned the hard way I need a way to capture ideas when I get them, even if they’re partial and semi formed. Those are the ones you’re most likely to not recall later. This is what I do: -I have an open Word document that I write ideas down. Thoughts. Blog ideas. Business ideas. Anything I come up with. This...

The value of taking action


I was speaking to one of my “Incubees” this week, about a win that involved putting themselves out there and attending an event and talking with people. They accomplished the goal (go to the event and talk to 2 people), but were commenting on how much energy it took to psych themselves up to go. I couldn’t help but relate my own experiences. It’s hard to put yourself out...

Changing the things I actually control


This is a recurring thought of mine because it is so significant. What do I have control over? If I can’t make someone do something, like hire me, or book me, what can I control? I can control the number of new people I prospect. I set goals of talking to people and having conversations. When I used to do direct mail I could control how many postcards I sent out. I would learn how many...

Quiet time


A good hour of any work day of mine is spent quiet, away from everything. Usually this is a walk. I do not take my phone. This time away is super productive to me. That’s why I include it as part of my “work” day. I usually don’t go out with any sort of agenda. It’s just time for myself. But inevitably as I walk and enjoy being outside, the sky, the trees, the...

When a Hobby Should Remain a Hobby


A lot of people dream of taking a hobby of theirs into a full-time business. But should they? I would consider this long and hard. One of my hobbies is collecting pinball machines. I’ve built an arcade in the basement of my home. I get a lot of pleasure from it, both from the experience today with it, and also how it goes back to when I was young and the memories I have of being in arcades...

Just do it


I’m not sure how many times I’ve come across new entrepreneurs who get caught up in busy work, instead of doing what it is they are here to do. That is generally one of my first bits of advice – stop the busy work. Start generating money, the quicker the better. What is busy work? Websites, social media, promo pieces, writing a book for promotion, head shots, business cards and...

“Life experience” is no joke


I remember years ago coming across some “diploma mill” that would give you a degree or something for little effort (and a lot of money), and one of the things they’d give you a lot of credit for was “life experience”. At the time I thought that was the biggest joke in the world. Now, in that specific case, it was a joke because they were just using it as a way to...

The common trait amongst successful entrepreneurs


There’s a simple trait I’ve seen amongst successful entrepreneurs, and it seems to separate those that achieve from those that just dream: Taking Action. From first hand experience and observation, those simple 2 words seems to make the difference. Taking Action means just do it, just go for it, just start it. Whatever your business is, do it. It does not mean “find more busy...

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