CategoryFrolic’s Tips

What Will Become Possible By Unlocking Your Own Impossible Goal?


Imagine the shifts to your impact, income, and life by declaring a truly impossible goal! On Monday September 25, 2023 I’m going to host a Zoom to help YOU unlock YOUR IMPOSSIBLE GOAL. This is exclusively for Frolic 100 members. I’m going to teach the 5 necessary parts of every impossible goal. I’ll work with some people live on the call to help unlock and up-level (and make it truly impossible!)...

My Personal Journey Through Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


Frolic 100 member Tim asked me about my referencing my “Hierarchy of Needs” in some recent articles. I decided to answer his question for everyone, and also clarify my understanding of it. This information is easily searchable on Google, but there’s only a single place on the entire internet which is my explanation of it. Right here. When I refer to a Hierarchy of Needs...

A message from the future


I’ve been given a gift. A way of sending a message to a younger version of me. This is what I’ve decided to send to a version of me that was really struggling, around 6 years ago in 2017. Dear Chris, it’s Chris, from the future. Probably best if you don’t ask questions about how this is possible. Simply listen to me. I have this opportunity to tell you some things you’re going...

Be a fascinating dinner guest


A guest speaker at a function I was attending this past year reviewed my website and told me frankly, “You’d be an incredibly fascinating dinner guest.” His comment made me feel seen and reminded me of how far I’ve come. As recently as 2019, I was a guest at a friend of my wife’s house who was celebrating receiving tenure as a college professor. The house was filled with academics. I was as quiet...

How “Stacey Abrams Clarity” Can Supercharge Your Mission


The leadership group that I’m a part of reached out to Stacey Abrams, the politician, voting rights activist, and governor candidate for the state of Georgia, about being a guest speaker. She is so singularly focused on her mission for political change in her state, she applies a simple question to everything she does: Will this get me votes? She ended up not speaking for our group. When I heard...

Chris Frolic’s Tips for “Successful Underemployment”


I have a memory from around 25 years ago, it was the middle of the afternoon in the middle of the week. I was sitting on my sofa playing video games and a good friend of mine remarked “You’re successfully underemployed”. I tell people who talk to me in recent times that money didn’t make the life I live today possible. I’ve always lived with a freedom in my life to...

How to keep your optimism and mission alive during difficult times


My road to “success” (however you want to define that) was never a straight line. There were times of tremendous struggle. It’s well documented in my DJ memoir that despite the surface successes, I never figured out the financial part during that time of my life. I slept on the floor of my office for 2 years (I realize now that qualified me as literally “homeless”), but even after things started...

You Asked, I Answered


Here is a capture of my Ask Me Anything I hosted on Feb 27, 2023. I really enjoy this as a format, it’s an intersection of me being helpful to others, creating my own hotseat to test myself on, me being creative in the moment in any way I wish, and there’s a “performance” aspect, of being entertaining, and lighting up an audience. Instead of spinning records, or doing a...

You’ve got one shot to ask the question that can change everything for you.


What’s the question that fills you with fear to even think about asking? What about my story do you find fascinating and want to know more about? What would I do if I were you? What clarity can I bring to your mission and road ahead? What one tool or strategy would I recommend that will change your business? What’s the one thing you need to hear that everyone else is afraid to tell...

The things we’re willing to do for free is us at our most valuable


Recently I received an email from an old fan. He and his wife were celebrating their 20th anniversary and listening to my DJ mixes had a lot of memories for them many years ago. He offered to pay me to make him a “cameo” type of personal video. Cameo is a website filled with celebrities that will record well-wishes for you for a fee. I’m not on Cameo, but I use Loom a lot to record videos, so I...

The Power of Writing for Yourself


I’ve written so many articles over the past four years that I’ve forgotten everything I’ve written and it’s like a collection of golden nuggets sitting in a barrel. Committing myself to writing (and sharing) once per week is one of the best things I’ve done. Some weeks the words come easy. Inspiration hits, and I knock out the article without much effort. Sometimes I don’t have an easy topic to...

Creating my future from a place of strength


I could tell I’ve been feeling in the doldrums lately and decided to take action. I put out a last-second invitation to my Frolic100 list to witness me using my most powerful tool, what I call my Statement of Being. Things began to change for me the moment I committed myself to this. I now had a date on the calendar (only a few days away). I knew it was more important to me to do it, and be with...

You’re invited to watch me use my most powerful tool


Would you like to be part of something awesome? I’ve been struggling for a while, due to a lot of things outside my control, and I’ve felt directionless because of it. I could feel myself trying really hard to course correct, to find a new path. And then I remembered I already had the solution. I call it my Statement of Being. I haven’t read it in a while, and I can tell right away that has left...

Dealing with unresolved grief for my old life


This past week a book I was reading introduced a thought into my head that I’ve never grieved for the loss of a past life of mine. Specifically, my rave and DJ days. There’s no question that period of my life held a lot of trauma for me and took me some time to get over. That’s part of the reason it took me 14 years to complete my memoir. I always saw the completion of that book and being able to...

I measure results, not time spent on task


Many years ago, a friend once remarked to me “You’re successfully underemployed”. He was remarking on my light work schedule, during my DJ career. We’re so overwhelmed with overwork messaging. There’s that old joke that entrepreneurs “quit their 40 hour a week job so they can work 80”. Guys like Elon Musk brag about 100 hour work weeks. It’s simply never been my experience. I can perform when...

Watch out for those DoTs!


Many years ago a friend of mine shared with me a gaming acronym and metaphor; DoT – Damage over Time. In computer gaming, it refers to things that can happen to your character, like being poisoned or having a spell cast against it. In the real world, we used it to describe choices and decisions around spending money that weigh you down and can negatively impact you. DoTs in real life can apply to...

I use yesterday’s money to pay today’s bills


“I’ve never seen someone so happy writing a $250,000 cheque for their taxes before”, said my accountant. The thing was – I was happy. I was happy I had the money, I was happy to put my tax bill behind me, no need for deferments or other tax planning trickery. Many years ago I avoided my taxes. I was late filing them, and my avoidance was so bad I didn’t file for years and went through a personal...

What are your “Greatest Hits”?


I’ve been getting better lately at recognizing some of the dark voices in my head. Recently, Robin and I were having a deep conversation, but Robin didn’t want to continue it. I felt Robin “pulling away from me” simply because Robin didn’t want to have a conversation with me at that very moment. I experienced this as a threat of withdrawal of love. And I realized in that moment, this...

Action Takers vs Dreamers


From my perspective and my own life’s experiences, there is only one thing that separates those that achieve great things from those that don’t; those that achieve take action, and the ones that don’t only dream. My own life forever changed because of an action I took when I was only 12 years old. I walked into a business and asked for a job. When they declined, I didn’t take no for an answer and...

I manage my news intake like a 1950s dad


I’ve been on a “news diet” for several years now. This practice has come to mind again with all the turmoil and world events, which can seem quite overwhelming. We used to live in a world where news was delivered by newspaper once a day, and nightly TV news. Then in the 1980s that changed to 24 hour news channels (that needed content to fill). That expanded, and expanded again...

The thing I need the most reminding about


There’s a quote on my wall. It’s unattributed and I don’t know the origin. When I Google it, nothing much comes up. I don’t even remember where I got it from, but it made enough of an impact I wrote it down and put it on my wall. It says: Give people what they need, not what you want them to have. There’s so many times in my life, every day, that I want so much for people. And the cold reality is...

Ways I invest my money


I’ve been getting more and more clear about what my investing strategy is. For the most part, if we talk about “Heart vs Mind” decisions, I go with my heart. Even if someone could make mathematical arguments about how some things can generate more money, that doesn’t move me. Here’s a breakdown of ways I invest my money. In myself. Between psychotherapy, couples therapy, deep...

What is your six word mission?


This past week I participated in an exercise, and was asked to come up with a 6 word mission. This is what immediately came out of me: Share my story, change the world. I was struck by how true that simple statement is for me. How I’ve been living in to it. You are a part of it. Every week I share my story. I do it because for too long I ran from telling my own story. It took me 14 years to...

My Ask Me Anything recording


Here is a capture of the Ask Me Anything I hosted on January 3, 2022. It was an experiment of me testing myself, showing up in a different way, sharing my wisdom in whatever way it was called upon, and kicking my year off in a strong way. Topics included Blue Ocean Strategy and using “pain” in your marketing, amongst anything and everything else that came up. I was very...

This is what I use to kick-start my year


A mentor I worked with many years ago had an antidote to the inertia a lot of self-employed people feel coming out of the holidays. It’s not hard to let the holiday slowdown continue for weeks into the new year, or even months. He came up with a concept called The Big Drive, which was a challenge to kick off the new year with a huge amount of momentum. He would compare it with a skier going to...

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