CategoryFrolic’s Tips

A Rave Legend’s Guide to How to be More Human in an AI World


My friend Rita sent me a video on the topic of AI from this past week’s World Economic Forum, with a message “Chris, I never send you videos to watch, but you should watch this one.” She was right, she doesn’t send me videos, so I took her note seriously and watched it. But before I shared my thoughts with her, I wanted to know why she wanted me to watch it. “Everything they were talking about...

Turn Self-Doubt into a Superpower


As part of putting myself out there more I was a recent guest on a LinkedIn Live with my good friend Rita around my experience of turning self-doubt into a superpower. We had a lively discussion touching on how to turn unconventional paths into extraordinary success, how authenticity can benefit both personal and professional relationships, and the power of hope in overcoming challenges. Check it...

Ready, Set – Action!


Action is the defining element I see most when I look at people who get anywhere and those that spin their wheels. However, it’s a specific type of action that matters. Many people create busy work to avoid doing the real work that will actually change things. Dreaming and scheming means nothing without action. Often, it’s an amazing little amount of action that is needed, when it’s the right one...

How to Cultivate Financial Hope and Momentum


One of my takeaways from the past US election is that if people are worried about money there is no space to dream. Who knows how much that affected the actual election, but it’s a truth I’ve lived with. If people are worried about the very basics in their lives, what room is there for anything else? There’s been multiple times in my life where I’ve struggled financially...

The proven tool I use to make my next year my greatest financially


A mentor I worked with many years ago had an antidote to the inertia a lot of self-employed people feel coming out of the holidays. It’s not hard to let the holiday slowdown continue for weeks into the new year, or even months. He came up with a concept called The Big Drive, which was a challenge to kick off the new year with a huge amount of momentum. He would compare it with a skier going to...

Kickstart Your Year and Your Financial Potential with The Big Drive 2025!


Imagine a newfound sense of financial potential, a toolkit of innovative problem-solving techniques, a powerful group cheering you on, and fun, fun, fun! Join Chris Frolic in a Transformative Journey to Elevate Your Financial Game. Would you like to pick the brain of a one-of-a-kind rule breaking and multi-success millionaire entrepreneur and have access to hard earned tactics and strategies...

Did an AI write this?


Are you starting to doubt what’s real? This past week I had a chat with a new Frolic 100 member, who had watched some of my videos and read some articles beforehand. She made a bunch of notes and before our scheduled call I received an email about how my material had affected her. A lot of her comments were touching and personal. However, I noticed something; I could tell it was written in...

On Your Next Birthday, Give the Gift of Your Story


I just turned 50 years old. A huge milestone. I have a lot to be thankful for, and I am. A birthday tradition I started on my 40th birthday, and I returned to this year, is to tell my story to my children. I plan to update it and read it to them every 10 years. So at our dinner table last night, after dinner, I pulled out my story and read it to my children and wife. I wish my own father had done...

How to write impactful blog articles


For the last 6 years I’ve committed myself to writing one article a week, which has generated 323 articles so far. That makes me an expert. When creating blog content, it’s important to get clear on 3 elements. Here are my own answers to these: What do I want? Clarifying my own thoughts into digestible form Creating a legacy of content and articles Create a story of how I’ve been spending my time...

Taking My Own Advice


It’s the end of summer, and both my kids are home from school wrapping up their summer vacation. My oldest is now in college, and this could be the last “lazy” summer I ever have with her in hanging out in the house. I’ve been kicking around ideas for new articles, and had some things I was excited to share, but then I realized “It’ll wait”. I’m...

Attach *RED ALERTS* to these specific words


There are 2 words/phrases that almost always show up when I’m feeling bad about myself: Should and Supposed to “I should be working harder on my book” Or “I’m supposed to be making the world a better place.” Here are some more of the ones I live with: I should lose weight. I’m supposed to be doing more with my life. I should make some more money. I’m supposed to be a good son to my parents. I...

How Getting Specific Helped Me Reclaim My Passion


If I had to name a single thing that I am always in pursuit of, and that feels most missing from my life, it’s ‘Passion’. It seems like I once was filled with passion, and now I experience it much more fleetingly. Or, it at least feels that way. I’ve started to question my own memories as unreliable. Did I really feel in this passionate state all of the time when I was younger...

Stop It!


So you’ve been going through some old note books looking for inspiration from yourself. You’re seeing a lot of recurring and ruminating thoughts around “What’s Next?” going back for years and years. Stop it! Just stop it. Stop asking yourself that. If it worked, you wouldn’t keep asking. It doesn’t work – so stop it! You are forbidden from asking that again. It doesn’t work. It’s never...

Motivational Lessons from The Sopranos


I’m a big fan of The Sopranos TV series. I’ve watched it more times than I can remember. It’s such a superbly crafted and written show that every viewing gives me new insights into myself. I’m a different person, so how I experience it changes, every time. A quote from that show has been with me the last week or so: “You’re only as good as your last envelope.” The direct meaning of that is...

Dance (Write) Like No One’s Watching


We live in a world controlled by algorithms. Our behavior is influenced and affected in ways we don’t understand. Places like social media use people (like you) as the product, to create content, for them to then serve ads on, to the real customers – the advertisers. Certain types of content generate more views, shares, and engagement than others. This lets the companies that own them...

The self-doubt hangover


Last week inspiration struck: I would create my next book and have it completed and for sale in 90 days. I had a few inspired days of clarity, and I announced my plans to my community. I got some work done, and then… the self-doubt started to creep in. I started to regret that I had announced it. What was I thinking? This is completely self-inflicted. However, that was exactly WHY I did it...

You have a front-row seat to watch me complete my next book! (2024 edition!)


Writing is a tool of my own self-mastery. When I write and share my story and what I’ve learned, it allows me to understand and crystallize what is actually going on within me, and then in addition benefit the reader, and the world. I also create autobiographical books about my life and what I’ve learned. Books are part of my legacy. They’ll be here after I’m gone. Every once in a while...

What is success for you?


A colleague of mine was recently part of a panel of “successful” people and interviewed on what success was for them. I pondered what my answers would be if I had been invited. Success is such a subjective topic. For me it goes far beyond financial success, although that is a piece. But so many people have money and are miserable. I don’t consider them successful. At a recent...

You’ll never have it all figured out and that’s OK


You’re feeling frustrated. I can understand. It seems like you’re marching around in the dark trying to figure out which way to go. Every time you think you’ve made some progress you’re back to the same old habit of trying to figure out what’s next. Sometimes it feels like two steps forward, and two steps back. But is that really true? Take a look at where you’ve been, what you’ve done...

This is how you eat an elephant


I started writing one article a week 6 years ago. I had no idea or intention, other than I hoped to share my hard-earned wisdom with others. There are really cool services out there that will take the content of your blog or social media and turn it into a hardbound book in a single step. I now have 2 volumes, each holding 3 years of my life. I can’t say what it feels like to see my writing...

This is what happens when you get selfish


It was literally only a month ago when I was invited to attend the COP28 climate conference in Dubai. I was a powerful yes. As soon as I decided to go, I knew I wanted to get on a stage while there. That was my selfish desire. I didn’t give into the story in my head that it was too late. Within days, I made it onto the standby list for the Canada Pavilion, which even though I didn’t...

Create a game you win the moment you decide to play it


Imagine if you could create a game that guarantees a win – empowering and emboldening, right? Here is the criteria: It needs to be scary. Something you’ve never done before. The game ends while still under your control. Once a decision is in someone else’s hands, the game has completed. Let me demonstrate; I have created a game that I win by playing for my visit to COP28: I will...

How to be an expert on what’s holding you back


How is it possible that after almost 6 years and 280 articles, I don’t have a bigger audience than 100 people? I asked myself if I had to teach a class, on “How to have only 100 email subscribers after 6 years”, what would I teach? Make everyone have to actually look you up, and not be in any common places of modern internet (like social media) Bury the sign up form deep in the website, making...

The lazy way of writing amazingly valuable content


I’m incredibly proud of my blog and collection of articles. So much of the best I have to share is sitting there for anyone and everyone. And best of all, it’s also there for me. Often I can search my blog for a thought and come across an eloquent article I’ve written in the past, revealing to me how much clarity I already have around that thought and how much I have to share about it. I was...

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