For the last 6 years I’ve committed myself to writing one article a week, which has generated 323 articles so far. That makes me an expert. When creating blog content, it’s important to get clear on 3 elements. Here are my own answers to these: What do I want? Clarifying my own thoughts into digestible form Creating a legacy of content and articles Create a story of how I’ve been spending my time...
Dance (Write) Like No One’s Watching
We live in a world controlled by algorithms. Our behavior is influenced and affected in ways we don’t understand. Places like social media use people (like you) as the product, to create content, for them to then serve ads on, to the real customers – the advertisers. Certain types of content generate more views, shares, and engagement than others. This lets the companies that own them...
This is how you eat an elephant
I started writing one article a week 6 years ago. I had no idea or intention, other than I hoped to share my hard-earned wisdom with others. There are really cool services out there that will take the content of your blog or social media and turn it into a hardbound book in a single step. I now have 2 volumes, each holding 3 years of my life. I can’t say what it feels like to see my writing...
5 year ago today I started this blog, these are the most popular articles
Wow, time flies. My very first blog post was January 7, 2018. I vividly remember it, because I vividly remember the state of crisis I was in during that time in my life. I was extremely unhappy, my imposter syndrome was at critical levels, and I was hiding from the world. I took the smallest single act of courage I could muster at that moment – I installed a WordPress on my website, which...
What I’ve learned writing 200 blog articles

I can’t believe it but this is the 200th article I’ve written for my blog (now the Frolic 100). Committing myself to writing once per week to share my wisdom with the world was the very first step I took in my recovery from my imposter syndrome crisis. My website ( was a literal blank page for several years after I left the stage hypnosis business. I sat in the...
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My year of gratitude
I’ve added a new task to my daily routine: Add to my List of Gratitude. Feeling gratitude for the things in my life gives me happiness. The task is simple. Open up the Word doc I keep the numbered list and take no more than 5 minutes to add to it. I have to add at least 1 per day, but can add as many as I feel inspired to in that time frame. If I don’t take all 5 minutes, but added to...
Happy Anniversary to my Blog
I launched this blog just over 1 year ago. I started it because I wanted an outlet to share my thoughts and experiences with those who cared to read it. There was no secondary purpose to this blog. I wasn’t trying to build a business or build Followers. With no agenda, I was able to do what I wanted to do, which is try to help others and no ulterior motives of trying to sell a product or...
Subscribe to my blog
The best way to stay informed and on top of my posts is to subscribe to the blog. This is the only sort of data collection I’m doing and I’m using it just to service my blog. Please join me and participate.
Write stuff down before you lose it
I’m an ideas guy. I get inspiration all over the place. I’ve learned the hard way I need a way to capture ideas when I get them, even if they’re partial and semi formed. Those are the ones you’re most likely to not recall later. This is what I do: -I have an open Word document that I write ideas down. Thoughts. Blog ideas. Business ideas. Anything I come up with. This...
My Weekly To-Do List
I’m fortunate to be at the place in my life that I am. I have this pasted to my wall to remind me:
Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope it’s of assistance to you in some way.
The story so far
You’re probably here because you’ve crossed paths with me sometime in the last 30 years or so. You probably looked me up out of curiosity and here you are. I’m going to use this page to both update the curious, as well as share things and try to be helpful. You don’t have to read it, but there’s a longer bio of mine available, which will fill in many of the blanks...
Welcome to the blog
Hello and welcome. I’m old school. My choice of usage of the web is by old school blog. I don’t have a presence in any other social media. I’ll expand on why I don’t in future posts. My hope is for this blog to be of value to young entrepreneurs and people wanting to hear my thoughts about my experiences, success and failures. There isn’t any data collection...