
This one word will do more for creating space and freedom in your life than all of the AI tools in the world


I find almost everyone using AI is playing the wrong game with it. They’re trying to figure out how to have AI let them do “more”. More productivity, more revenue, more output, more, more, more. This is the same trap humanity has been caught in for decades, if not centuries. AI is just the latest tech tool that is facilitating “more”. For most people, if they were...

Capturing energy, feelings, and a moment


This past Monday I debuted a new topic by Zoom; A Rave Legends Guide to How to Be More Human in an AI World. The entire project went from a spark of an idea to delivered presentation at light speed, which is a telling factor. I was curious so I looked up the original message from my friend Rita that created the cascade. It was dated January 24th. However, more important than the link was her...

Why I’m Terrified to Host This AI Zoom (And Why That’s Exactly Why I Have to Do It)


Just over a week ago I challenged myself to come up with a topic that could put me on any stage in the world as an AI Expert. Leaning hard into my strengths, story, and interests, I came up with this title: A Rave Legends Guide to How to Be More Human in an AI World The thing is, I felt very confident in summarizing a bunch of thoughts, philosophies, best practices I have and present on this...

A Rave Legend’s Guide to How to be More Human in an AI World


My friend Rita sent me a video on the topic of AI from this past week’s World Economic Forum, with a message “Chris, I never send you videos to watch, but you should watch this one.” She was right, she doesn’t send me videos, so I took her note seriously and watched it. But before I shared my thoughts with her, I wanted to know why she wanted me to watch it. “Everything they were talking about...

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