This one word will do more for creating space and freedom in your life than all of the AI tools in the world


I find almost everyone using AI is playing the wrong game with it. They’re trying to figure out how to have AI let them do “more”. More productivity, more revenue, more output, more, more, more.

This is the same trap humanity has been caught in for decades, if not centuries. AI is just the latest tech tool that is facilitating “more”.

For most people, if they were really honest with themselves, “more” is always the answer to “What do you want?”

This is the one word they’re all missing: Enough.

How much is enough? For you?

When will you know you have enough?

Who says you have enough?

Why is it important to declare what is enough?

What can you never have enough of?

What becomes possible when you create from a space of having enough, instead of chasing more?

I wish this was easier to accept. There’s a reason I’m writing this article today; this is the single biggest lesson I continue to wrestle with. The source of all my internal conflict is from this battle. It can also feel lonely.

I’ve pressed ‘Submit’ on this article not because I’ve mastered “enough,” but because I’m still in the trenches with it.

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