You’re invited to watch me use my most powerful tool


Would you like to be part of something awesome?

I’ve been struggling for a while, due to a lot of things outside my control, and I’ve felt directionless because of it. I could feel myself trying really hard to course correct, to find a new path. And then I remembered I already had the solution.

I call it my Statement of Being. I haven’t read it in a while, and I can tell right away that has left me feeling out of alignment.

Even more powerful than reading it alone, is me being witnessed reading it. There will always be a part of me that feeds off the stage, and has a lot of intuitive wisdom of conducting that energy in the room.

I want to feel some awe again. And I know when I’m feeling it, it transfers to everyone else.

So I’m inviting members of the Frolic 100 to a Zoom where I will tap into my most powerful self and “perform” my Statement of Being for everyone in attendance.

This has been such a powerful experience, it’s part of me making multi-million dollar proposals to people.

And I forgot about it.

You’re invited to witness me perform it and watch me change in front of you. Afterwards we’ll discuss it and I’ll answer all questions you have for the remainder of our time.

Part of my magic is I show things once seen that cannot be unseen. How might this change you?

Date & Time: Monday July 11, 2022. 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern (60 minutes).

This is open only to members of the Frolic 100. If you’re not you can apply to become a part of it for the future. It’s currently full but accepting requests for wait-list: Click here to apply.

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