Examples of change through entrepreneurs


Recently, I’ve had a lot of people comment to me about how much better they feel after speaking with me. It’s because I’ve been sharing examples, real things, that entrepreneurs are doing out there that can have a global impact. I don’t share candy bars of feel good words, but actual evidential proof.

Here’s a few more that have caught my attention recently.

NovoNutrients are testing microbes that consume carbon (CO2) and convert it into protein. That protein is being tested as an environmentally safe feed for fish farms. So this is a double win potentially of allowing us to generate more sustainable ways to farm fish, meanwhile attacking one of the most pressing issues our planet faces.

The Black Business School – Their slogan on their website says “Don’t Just Climb the Corporate Ladder. Build One.” This one speaks to me on a deep level as this has been my philosophy of life. I’ve used entrepreneurship to create opportunities I’ve never have had otherwise, especially with my unconventional background and education (or lack of). A lot of my blog is about this. The Black Business school targets this message at those historically left out of traditional corporate ladder. I was really excited when I saw this site for the first time.

A new game called Sky: Children of the Light “is a theme park for altruism”. I previously played the creator’s last game, Journey, which was an amazing gaming experience that wasn’t about defeating an opponent. He’s aimed to out do himself by challenging himself to create an experience that empowers people to work together instead of against one another. It’s an exciting time in gaming when experiences like this become possible. Who knows where it will lead.

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