“You did WHAT?!

I keep doing things I’m not supposed to do. Then they work. Then I do bigger things I’m not supposed to do.

High school dropout turned world-famous DJ. Got banned from the US, went bankrupt, then built a multi-million dollar tech company. Hypnotized 5000+ people on stage just to see if I could. Now I’m going after climate change because… why the hell not?

Here’s the thing: I document everything. Every experiment. Every failure. Every holy shit moment. Not to teach you – because I’ve learned something strange: When people witness me doing the impossible, they start doing impossible things too.

This website is my laboratory. These stories are my evidence. And the Frolic 100 are my witnesses – not just watching me, but having their own realities rewired by what becomes possible when someone goes first.

The question isn’t if you want to see what happens next. The question is: What will happen to YOU when you do?

Latest Thoughts

The world is a dumpster fire, but my toast was perfect


World events and news can be difficult to ignore. However, I have a strict rule at our dinner table that we don’t let the latest crazy tweet or story suck up all the oxygen. That means we need other things to talk about. For the last few months, my family and I have been adapting a practice of each of us sharing something we’re grateful for from that day. The smaller the better. When I introduced...

This one word will do more for creating space and freedom in your life than all of the AI tools in the world


I find almost everyone using AI is playing the wrong game with it. They’re trying to figure out how to have AI let them do “more”. More productivity, more revenue, more output, more, more, more. This is the same trap humanity has been caught in for decades, if not centuries. AI is just the latest tech tool that is facilitating “more”. For most people, if they were...

Finding Joy in the Chaos (Is That Even Allowed?)


As I write this I’m suffering from my second covid infection in less than two months. It was just over 6 weeks ago I wrote that life can be random and unfair sometimes. My wife wasn’t even fully recovered from the previous one and is also infected again. This just sucks. In this moment though I’m grateful for a spontaneous lunch I took with my wife exactly a week ago. I was...

Capturing energy, feelings, and a moment


This past Monday I debuted a new topic by Zoom; A Rave Legends Guide to How to Be More Human in an AI World. The entire project went from a spark of an idea to delivered presentation at light speed, which is a telling factor. I was curious so I looked up the original message from my friend Rita that created the cascade. It was dated January 24th. However, more important than the link was her...

Why I’m Terrified to Host This AI Zoom (And Why That’s Exactly Why I Have to Do It)


Just over a week ago I challenged myself to come up with a topic that could put me on any stage in the world as an AI Expert. Leaning hard into my strengths, story, and interests, I came up with this title: A Rave Legends Guide to How to Be More Human in an AI World The thing is, I felt very confident in summarizing a bunch of thoughts, philosophies, best practices I have and present on this...

A Rave Legend’s Guide to How to be More Human in an AI World


My friend Rita sent me a video on the topic of AI from this past week’s World Economic Forum, with a message “Chris, I never send you videos to watch, but you should watch this one.” She was right, she doesn’t send me videos, so I took her note seriously and watched it. But before I shared my thoughts with her, I wanted to know why she wanted me to watch it. “Everything they were talking about...

The Freedom Trap Nobody Talks About


First, an admission of failure. “The Big Drive 2025” for me is a complete bust. Making money for the sake of making money simply isn’t motivating me. There was value for me in analyzing my past processes, and writing them up in a series of articles for others, but returning to that specific playbook is not working. Because I’m not the same person. There’s an old quote that I feel is relevant in...

The About Page That Took 7 Years to Write


You know what’s wild? I’ve written 344 articles on this website, but the hardest thing to write has always been my About page. Seven years ago, I was a wounded man entering middle age who felt like the world’s biggest fake. My website sat there with a blank About page – a digital monument to my shame. I couldn’t tell you who I was because I didn’t know. For...

Failing at Failure


If I’m truly honest and open, I have an admission to make: I’m sitting here at my desk, trying to write about failure, and realizing I’m failing at failing. Not the kind of failure I promised when I declared this my Year of Failure. More like the embarrassing kind where I’m staring at my screen thinking “what the hell am I doing?” Last night I couldn’t sleep...

The Failures Have Begun!


I decided to start with an easy failure. Almost two years ago I was talking with a colleague and she suggested I get onto a TEDx stage, and I immediately responded with “No, it has to be TED. THE TED.” That thought lit me up. That was more my style – jump straight to the end. The idea went away until recently when we spoke again, and I found myself feeling the same way. Once I declared that...

2025 – My Year of Failure


My New Years Resolution is that 2025 will be my year of failure. And I’m going to fail BIG. I’m going to take big swings with no net. I’m going to launch things and ideas before I’m ready. I won’t try anything I KNOW will work. I won’t use comfortable and true methods. I will fail publicly. My attempts will be done in full view. Perfect is the enemy of good, so...

Life can be random and unfair


It wasn’t exactly the best Christmas for me this week. My oldest kid tested positive for covid on Christmas eve, and my wife tested positive on Christmas morning. The last time my wife had covid, they got so sick with erratic heart beats we had to call an ambulance and have them taken to the hospital. My wife left the hospital in a wheelchair and had to use it for several months. A...

Turn Self-Doubt into a Superpower


As part of putting myself out there more I was a recent guest on a LinkedIn Live with my good friend Rita around my experience of turning self-doubt into a superpower. We had a lively discussion touching on how to turn unconventional paths into extraordinary success, how authenticity can benefit both personal and professional relationships, and the power of hope in overcoming challenges. Check it...

Ready, Set – Action!


Action is the defining element I see most when I look at people who get anywhere and those that spin their wheels. However, it’s a specific type of action that matters. Many people create busy work to avoid doing the real work that will actually change things. Dreaming and scheming means nothing without action. Often, it’s an amazing little amount of action that is needed, when it’s the right one...

Overcoming the Ivory Tower


Last week, I was a guest speaker for a room full of cancer researchers and doctors at Queen’s University, in Canada. I was invited to come talk about impossible goals, and share the framework I’ve designed around it to help people create their own (which will be featured in an upcoming book of mine). To introduce myself I told them a story of who I am and where I’ve come from. I turned my...

This Technology (and Metaphor) will Save Our Planet


Fusion Energy is one of the Holy Grail technologies that humans have been pursuing for decades, and may one day change everything. If we entertain a “Star Trek” future of clean and abundant energy, the potential for humans is limitless. Said at it’s most simplest – fusion energy produces more energy than it consumes. Our sun is an example of a fusion reactor. I do believe...

How to Cultivate Financial Hope and Momentum


One of my takeaways from the past US election is that if people are worried about money there is no space to dream. Who knows how much that affected the actual election, but it’s a truth I’ve lived with. If people are worried about the very basics in their lives, what room is there for anything else? There’s been multiple times in my life where I’ve struggled financially...

The proven tool I use to make my next year my greatest financially


A mentor I worked with many years ago had an antidote to the inertia a lot of self-employed people feel coming out of the holidays. It’s not hard to let the holiday slowdown continue for weeks into the new year, or even months. He came up with a concept called The Big Drive, which was a challenge to kick off the new year with a huge amount of momentum. He would compare it with a skier going to...

Kickstart Your Year and Your Financial Potential with The Big Drive 2025!


Imagine a newfound sense of financial potential, a toolkit of innovative problem-solving techniques, a powerful group cheering you on, and fun, fun, fun! Join Chris Frolic in a Transformative Journey to Elevate Your Financial Game. Would you like to pick the brain of a one-of-a-kind rule breaking and multi-success millionaire entrepreneur and have access to hard earned tactics and strategies...

Did an AI write this?


Are you starting to doubt what’s real? This past week I had a chat with a new Frolic 100 member, who had watched some of my videos and read some articles beforehand. She made a bunch of notes and before our scheduled call I received an email about how my material had affected her. A lot of her comments were touching and personal. However, I noticed something; I could tell it was written in...

Embracing My Weird – The LinkedIn Redemption


Once upon a time I had a LinkedIn profile. It wasn’t great. I was ashamed of myself and my story when I had created it. I downplayed all of my accomplishments, in a weak attempt at trying to appear more “corporate”. My imposter syndrome at the time also had its hands around me like a choke hold, and I didn’t even list my webinar company, StealthSeminar, by name. I listed myself as some sort of...

Give space for the “Yes” to show up.


I never know when or how my next story will show up. This past Monday I was driving my sixteen-year-old to school. It was an unusually bright and sunny warm October morning. My son sat quietly, looking out the window. Later that same day I was planning to return to one of my old activities, playing with the Toronto Pinball League. I haven’t played regularly since before COVID and I’ve...

My business just sold to a $100 million private equity fund and I still found myself feeling like a fake


The webinar business I co-founded over 14 years ago just completed due diligence and closed its sale to a $100 million private equity fund that specializes in SaaS (Software as a Service), and now that particular part of my life is done. Even though I exited an active role with the company several years ago, I still retained 50% ownership and monthly dividends from that. It feels good to have...

I’m no longer “Banned in the USA”


During the peak of my DJ career, back in the year 2000, I was banned from entering the US after being caught entering to work as a DJ without having the required paperwork (Longtime followers of mine are very familiar with this story, and I wrote about it extensively in my memoir). I spent many years regretting my actions that led to that. This ultimately led to my eventual retirement from DJing...

On Your Next Birthday, Give the Gift of Your Story


I just turned 50 years old. A huge milestone. I have a lot to be thankful for, and I am. A birthday tradition I started on my 40th birthday, and I returned to this year, is to tell my story to my children. I plan to update it and read it to them every 10 years. So at our dinner table last night, after dinner, I pulled out my story and read it to my children and wife. I wish my own father had done...

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